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User-switchable (single) or simultaneous (dual)
thermal/optical video output
u Two thermal imager options: standard resolution
with 35 mm (includes on-screen temperature
display with alarm) or high resolution with 50 mm
u Human detection range up to 1500 m (almost twice
the range of previous MIC thermal models)
u Video and control over IP when powered by MIC IP
Power Supply (sold separately)
u Robust design rat
The MIC Series 612 camera has been designed to offer
an extremely reliable, robust, and high-quality
surveillance solution for security applications that
demand the very best performance. Precision
engineered to exacting standards, the camera offers
the most ruggedized dual optical/thermal image
capture solution available on the market today.
When powered by a MIC IP Power Supply, the MIC
camera becomes an IP-enabled device with extra
features such as Intelligent Video Analysis (IVA), and
the ability to record video on a network-attached RAID
iSCSI storage device or locally on a user-supplied SD
or SDHC card (32 GB maximum). Operators can select
either the visible video image or the thermal video
image through the network connection provided by
the MIC IP Power Supply. The optional “hybrid”
operation provides video and control of the MIC
camera over both analog (Bilinx over coax) and IP
connections simultaneously.