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Key Features
Moisture meter with built in infrared camera
Pin-type and pinless measurements
80 x 60 resolution, 4800 pixels
Save up to 10,000 images with infrared and moisture data
Download images and reading for reports
The FLIR MR160 Imaging Moisture Meter offers the expert contractual worker or professional the capacity to pinpoint a water spill by first survey it in an infrared picture, then taking an estimation at the exact area where the dampness is concentrated. Where a customary dampness meter can abandon you speculating as to where the issue is most exceedingly awful, where it originated from, or even where to begin looking, the FLIR MR160 helps you picture the harmed area and make exact estimations. Pictures and readings are put away together and can be downloaded for presentation to a property holder, building director, or protection agent.
Dampness Meter
The MR160 performs both non-intrusive (pinless) and pin-sort dampness estimations, and comes complete with an outer pin test to connect to the primary unit. A discretionary sledge style pin test is likewise accessible for when dampness prowls more profound behind dividers and floors. At the point when measuring wood utilizing the pin connection, the MR160 can figure dampness content utilizing the business standard WME scale. In the event that testing non-wood materials, for example, drywall, a relative scale is likewise accessible to the pin test.
Pinless Measurements
The pinless sensor on the back of the FLIR MR160 is larger than average and prepared to do precisely measuring dampness up to 3/4″ profound. The reference size of the pinless mode is aligned to have a continuous, direct increment in perusing. Where a lesser dampness meter will go from 0 to 100 (wet) at the main indication of dampness, the MR160 can distinguish where a surface is increasingly and less wet, perusing 100 just when water is obvious at first glance. A capable of being heard caution can be set to sound at any interim. Differential estimations (or Delta-T) can be refined by first setting a reference estimation. Every single resulting estimation will read as a distinction from the underlying level.
Warm Camera
Consolidated into the back of the MR160 is a little FLIR camera to help in finding the best area to make dampness estimations. The warm camera has a determination of 80 x 60 pixels and can give a smart thought of where the water harm is the most exceedingly terrible, and can even guide in deciding its inception. The camera is best utilized from short proximity; under 10 feet would be perfect. It offers a wide edge lens to keep to a greater degree a story or divider in perspective, and all articles will be in center anytime past 4 inches. To keep extremely hot or exceptionally chilly protests from meddling with the picture, the FLIR MR160 now incorporates the capacity to bolt the temperature scale physically.
Ice Palette
The FLIR MR160 highlights an extraordinary shading palette composed particularly to locate water issues. Since water as a rule appears as cooler in warm pictures of building structures, the new “Ice” palette highlights in blue all cooler items in perspective. Hotter articles are appeared in grayscale and attract less regard for themselves. The general impact is to make it less demanding to rapidly find regions of dampness harm. Notwithstanding the Ice palette, the MR160 warm camera incorporates the more conventional Rainbow, Iron, and Greyscale palettes.
Picture and Data Capture
The FLIR MR160 incorporates a great component that permits the warm picture and the dampness meter perusing to be caught in one picture. Subsequent to finding an inconsistency, push the camera catch until the implicit laser pointer enacts. This will find the best spot on which to put the meter for an estimation. At the point when the camera catch is discharged, the on-screen picture is solidified. Essentially put the dampness meter on the range being referred to for a perusing, then press the camera catch again to incorporate that estimation in the solidified picture. The perusing from the meter will appear in the upper left corner of the infrared picture.
Notwithstanding the consolidated infrared dampness meter usefulness, the FLIR MR160 likewise incorporates modes for warm camera and for dampness meter as it were. The later capacity will change the screen of the meter into a visual chart and a numerical estimation to reflect dampness content. Put away pictures are downloaded through a USB smaller scale link in a bmp position. They are effectively foreign into all reporting or word preparing programming programs. Charging of the inner lithium-particle battery is likewise refined through the included USB small scale link.