
About Us.. – Rugged, Atex and special communication products

Welcome to Comm-Co

Telecommunication Company Comm-Co

“We sell you what you need not what we have”

What we do:

Comm-Co is a vital source for Telecommunication, ATEX and Rugged products around the world since 1992.
Through years of experience and knowledge we can provide high quality, customer oriented solutions for almost any problem, which makes Comm-Co a truly unique company.
Comm-Co provides high quality products and custom solutions for a wide array of purposes that includes oil industry, gas industry, petrochemistry, shipping industry but also small local businesses around the world.

This web shop is made for products which can be used in rough and hard environments. These so called ruggedized products can be used in military grounds, but also in the private sector for climbers, mountain bikers and other extreme sports. The ruggedized products are often impact-free, this means that they can be dropped,kicked,smashed and will still work. Especially when you are in rough and hard environments the equipment you are carrying will keep working!


Comm-Co is based in Hulst in Zeeland (Zeeuws-Vlaanderen The Netherlands, near the border with Belgium).  


Kreekzoom 9

4561 GX

Hulst, The Netherlands

Tel: +31114 370030


Rabobank Hulst 330487701

IBAN: NL37 RABO 0330 4877


BTW NR: NL823684568B01

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